Soaking Up Sardinia

posted in: Sardinia 1

The Burnetts spent a couple of days with a car, a Fiat to be precise, exploring Sardinian culture.  This included visits to multiple Nuraghe (remains from a 4000-6000 year old civilization,) a cultural museum in Nuoro featuring cool displays of Sardinian bread art, a mask museum in Mamoiada, and views of the political murals of Orgosolo.  If Jim Hensen had come along with us, he would have been inspired to make something even more freaky than The Dark Crystal.  We all felt a bit…primal…by the end of our drive.  Mel even tried goat.  It tastes like…exactly what you would guess a goat would taste like.  So…Mel will not be eating that again.

Allie’s school report on Sardinian culture is above.  Supposedly you can scroll through the slides.

We also did a low-tech version of Pokemon GO! called “geocaching.”  There are lots of cool caches around Sardinia.  Mel has managed to download the Pokemon app, but she is afraid to start using it.  There are a lot of cliffs here!

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  1. Lorraine Roberts
    | Reply

    Excellent Pokémon decision. I just watched a guy walk in to a pole. Amusement even when not playing…

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